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Your Dog’s Food and Treats – Dehydrated Vs. Freeze Dried

April 25th, 2022

Dehydration has been around for a long time, while freeze-drying is a relatively new way to preserve food. There are reports that drying or dehydrating food has been practiced since 12,000 B.C.  The freeze-drying process was designed in 1906 but wasn’t used until World War II, initially to preserve blood plasma and medicine, then later, food.

The main objective of freeze-drying or dehydrating food is to remove moisture. It eliminates potential bacterial contamination and mold, adds to the food’s shelf life, and preserves its nutritional value.

So what are the differences between freeze-drying and dehydration?


Hungry Dog begging

  • Much faster than dehydration.
  • Removes moisture by freezing, then drying the food at very low temperatures, causing liquids to turn into vapor.
  • Retains 99% of its nutritional value due to the “cold vacuum” process used to extract water.
  • Removes 98 to 99% of the water from the original food.
  • Doesn’t change the look of food or taste.
  • Food is very lightweight, making it ideal for hikers and campers.
  • Variety – almost any food, including liquids, can be freeze-dried.
  • Long shelf-life – up to 25 or 30 years. Just add water to rehydrate.


  • Removes moisture more slowly using low heat.
  • Retains only about 60% of its nutritional value but preserves the fiber and iron content in the original food.
  • Removes 70 to 95% of moisture depending on the quality of the dehydrator.
  • 15-20 year shelf life because the moisture content is higher.
  • Changes the look and feel of the food. Think beef jerky!
  • Only certain foods (no liquids) can be dehydrated.
  • Will be heavier than freeze-dried foods.

What should you choose for your dog?

Dehydration lends itself more toward treats and chews. Freeze-drying is used for raw and cooked foods and treats, making it more versatile. While they’re not a substitute for a fresh food diet for your dog, freeze-dried meals offer a convenient way to feed your dog a very healthy diet. And depending on the ingredients, both dehydrated and freeze-dried treats give you healthy options for giving your dog a reward or simply a snack.

We’re just getting started but check out our Products page for our selection!

Dog getting a treat